Century 21 Croatia

You can currently search among 2134 real estate in Croatia and abroad.

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C21 Agents

People with a mission, cordial individuals and unique estate agents.

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Ljubica Novak
Ljubica Novak

Voditeljica regionalnog ureda CENTURY 21

Suzana Mužević 191
Suzana Mužević

Licencirani agent za nekretnine

Saša  Čukolin 22
Saša Čukolin

Licencirani agent za nekretnine

Jadranko Bailo 227
Jadranko Bailo

Direktor/Licencirani agent za nekretnine

Petra Vidović 11
Petra Vidović

Licencirani agent za nekretnine


become a century 21 agent

We provide our agents with the best terms and conditions all over the world. We are aware that affiliation and sense of security is the most important to our employees, and you will not waste any time with unnecessary administrative tasks.

  • Comprehensive
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  • Up to
    80% earnings from operations
  • Advertising on
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Enter the market victorious and become a part of one of the most reputable real-estate companies in the world! Together we will create an unassailable driving force which is already benchmarking the above-average standards of quality in the field of a real-estate agency. Build a profitable business in just 90 days!

  • Reduced
    business risk
  • Convenient
    business plan
  • Edge over
  • Stable revenue

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